The system
registry in Windows operating system holds the complete information about the
hardware, software, and internet settings. All the actions performed on the
system, such as installation, uninstallations, upgrades, etc are stored as a
string of information with values in registry. Making changes to these values
can help boost the performance of the system as well as speed up navigation of
any application in the system.
When you make correct edits in the windows registry, you can expect
desired results. A wrong step can be rectified by system restore, and is not
something to be scared of. You may, however, lose information from the system
if it has not been saved or backed up.
Registry keys and strings used for various tasks
Before you make
any changes in the system registry, ensure to back up your registry using many
tools that are available online. Should there be a glitch in the system
registry, you will be able to use the backup file and restore the previous
state of the registry.
1. Speed up Taskbar
1. Open the
dialog box using the Ctrl+Windows key command and type ‘regedit’ to open the
2. Open the
following tree HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows >
CurrentVersion > Explorer > Advanced.
3. On the right
plane, right click and change the value of the DWORD to ‘ExtendedUIHoverTime.’
4. Now double
click on this value and under ‘base’ change the decimal value to 400
5. Close the
window and restart the system.
2. Prevent reboots during Windows updates
1. Open regedit,
the registry editor and go to the following panel on the left side pane. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
> SOFTWARE > Policies > Microsoft > Windows.
2. Right click
on the right pane and select NEW key and rename it to ‘Windows update’ folder.
3. Click on the
windows update folder and on the right pane, right click and change the value
of DWORD to ‘NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers’ in the same format, without spaces.
4. Now click on
the NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers and change its value to 1.
5. Exit the
registry editor and log off to take the changes. The system will not reboot
during any of the windows updates.
3. Shutdown Windows 8 faster
Make the following changes in the registry keys to shut down windows in lesser than 30 seconds.
1. Open Regedit,
and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop in the left pane.
2. Click on
WaitToKillAppTimeout, and type REG_WORD and change its value to 2000.
Now all the
system processes will be terminated within 20 seconds and the system will be
shut down in 20 seconds after you click on the shut down command.
These are basic
tweaks that you can modify without needing extensive technical knowledge and
make changes to boost the performance of your system and its applications.
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